Monday, June 11, 2012

Time for a change....

I have tried blogging once before, and like so many things I was not consistent.  I have decided recently that it is time for a change.  It is time for me to focus on me.  To try new things, to not be afraid, and to put myself first.  Now lets be honest, it is nearly impossible for me to not consider others, and as much as I think it is a good trait to posses, it has also been a weakness of mine. I am not trying to change completely, just help myself become stronger (emotionally) and more confident in myself.

That brings me to the point of this blog, it will focus on fitness and life. I want to having something to keep track of my personal fitness goals, and workouts, and also be able to express myself with whats going on outside of the gym and how they could all be related.

My background:
I have been crossfitting for almost two years now.  I come from what I would like to say is an athletic background of collegiate basketball and a successful high school tennis career. The day I walked off the basketball court for the last time was a day that changed my life forever.  For nearly fourteen years my life was consumed by practices, tournaments, playoffs, summer leagues, neighborhood pickup games, camps, you name it...  Then on that day in February of my senior year in college it was all over, no more practices, games, nothing... It took me a year and about 20 unwanted pounds to realize I was depressed, and needed competition in my life. I jumped on the "cardio bandwagon" and competed in 5k's and triathlons, and they did the trick.  I prepared and trained, and on race day I was filled with the adrenaline I missed so much, and I would leave the race wanting more.

I was introduced to crossfit by my boyfriend and he convinced me that it would help me train for these long triathlons without having to run more than a mile at a time. I agreed to give it a try, and followed him to his affiliate.  After my first session I was in pain, serious pain!! I could not raise my arms to shampoo my hair the next day, going down the stairs was harder than going up!  I had never felt like that before, even the hardest practice in college NEVER left me this sore.  I began going with him every weekend we would spend together, and I was hooked.   When I joined my own affiliate my progression was amazing, I was loosing weight, getting in the best shape of my life and doing things with a barbell I never thought I could do!  I felt great!

The past two years have been successful, I really can't complain, however, I want more out of myself.  As much as crossfit brings out your strengths, it also brings out your weaknesses, both in and out of the gym.
A few months back I made a difficult decision to leave that affiliate.  It was very difficult, because I thought I had friends there, and thought that it was the right place for me, it was all I knew.  A random conversation with someone I barely knew (now a dear friend), opened my eyes to a whole different style of crossfit or programming, whatever you would like to call it.  Currently, I am following his program for me at another local affiliate (who I am very grateful to as well), and I am feeling better than ever.  It amazes me how this one person's generosity, support, and genuine compassion can replace an entire affiliate.  I will forever be grateful to him.

So now my new journey with crossfit, strength and triathlons has begun, with a new coach, new attitude, and nothing but excitement.

Ok, ok, enough of all that!  Now here are some current PB's (personal bests)!  Haven't tested some of them in a while.

Back Squat - 235lbs
Snatch - 120lbs
Clean - 165lbs
Power Clean - 155lbs
Jerk - 155lbs (old PB)
Deadlift - 285lbs (old PB)
Press - 90lbs (old PB)

I plan to post daily workouts and scores, along with my thoughts on the days training... maybe even some videos..

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